Peg asked for asparagus recipes. Was going to post to her privately, but it dawned on me that I've not seen any microwave recipes for this (don't laugh). Once I discovered how tasty and easy this is, it's the only way I cook them anymore. This comes from Litton Microwave Cooking Step By Step cookbook.
Pour water in 12 X 8 inch dish. Stir in salt and/or sugar. Snap off tough ends from asparagus. Arrange asparagus spears in dish with buds toward center. Cover with ventilated plastic wrap. Microwave on High 4 minutes. Rearrange so spears on outside of dish are brought to middle. Keep buds toward center of dish. Cover. Microwave 2 1/2 to 5 minutes more until tender.
*My note: I cook for 4 min.- rearrange and cook for 3 more minutes. Serve "as is" or lightly drizzle with squeeze style Parkay (or similar) "butter/marg." You can also drizzle them with the vinegar style pepper sauce as when eating cooked greens. If used without the "butter" type substitute, I don't know the numbers on it but seems like it would have to be a good, low fat veggie dish. "Toothsome" Mike in Houston