Dice pork, chestnuts, and onion coarsely, then place together on a heavy cutting board. Mince until all three ingredients are blended together in a lump (10-15 minutes).
Place mixture in a mixing bowl, and add soy, salt, and/or pepper to taste. Scramble together and form into four large meatballs.
Heat oil in wok at medium for about a minute. Add meatballs to wok and brown on all sides, about 15 minutes. Cover wok and reduce heat to low-medium and cook meatballs for another 30 minutes. Check frequently and turn.
Remove meatballs and set aside, leaving meat juices (there should be 1/2 cup or so, if not, add a little water). Add celery cabbage to wok, and stir fry for about a minute, cover and cook for another three or so, stirring once or twice. Remove cabbage and place on serving platter, then arrange meatballs over cabbage.