Sift dry ingredients.
Cut in fat until size of rice.
Add milk (the quantity may vary slightly. Add last quarter cautiously.) Mix until dough begins to follow the spoon.
Dough yeild: about 5 lbs
Divide dough into two portions of 2 1/2 lbs each. Knead very lightly a few times. Roll to 1/4-inch thickness.
Spread 2 cups marmalade over the mixture, dividing dough in half and spreading 1 cup on each half.
Cut each roll (jelly roll style) into 25 1-inch pieces.
Place on greased baking sheets. Brush top with milk.
Bake at 450F for 15 minutes.
E. Terrell Ma, Prof of Home Economics and Director of University Dining Halls, U of Wash, Seattle. Published by Jb Lippincott Co.
[-=Pam=-] p_meadows@ns. Sympatico. Ca