Cooked chicken or turkey breast; cut in 1/2" cubes
2 Esslöffel
Slivered; toasted almonds
die Zubereitung:
(to toast almonds: bake on an ungreased sheet at 300° until golden)
Mix first four ingredients in a blender. Pour into a heavy saucepan and cook, stirring constantly over medium heat until thickened. (You are basically making a chicken flavored white sauce without added fat.) Stir in cheese and chicken or turkey. Serve over rice or pasta garnished with the almonds.
To keep the fat to the bare minimum, use skim milk, the wine instead of additional milk, fat-free permesean and omit the almonds. I like a dash of pepper also, I find the cheese adds enough salt. You could also add some lightly cooked vegetables with the poultry such as asparagus or broccoli. As written above, this recipe serves 3, 240 calorie portions with 27% of calories from fat.