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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Raisin Curried Wild Rice Mix
Zutaten für 1 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
1 TasseWild rice
Chicken bouillon cubes crumbled
3 Esslöffelonion dried, minced
1/2 Tasseraisins
1/2 Teelöffelcurry powder
die Zubereitung:

I can't remember who wanted ideas for different mixes of beans etc. to put in jars but I found a great book with Tons of ideas. It's called The Perfect Mix (90 Gift-Giving Ideas for Bread, Soup, Dessert, and Other

to package gifts, which ones go together nicely and recipes for the mixes. Heres one example:

The perfect accompaniment for sauteed chicken or broiled cornish game hens. Present this rice mix layered in a glass jar, and tie ribbons to the neck of the jar.

In a glass jar that holds 1 3/4 cups, pour the rice into the bottom. Layer the rest of the ingredients in the order given.

To prepare:

4 cups water

In a medium saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Add the Wild Rice Mix and reduce the heat. Cover and simmer about 50 minutes, adding more water if needed. (This also had 3 tablespoons butter which I omitted)

This is just one of many ideas in this book! There are ideas on desserts too. Thanks to whoever brought up this idea!!

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