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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Vanilla Ice Cream and California Fruit Trio
Zutaten für 2 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
Peaches, peeled, then vacuum-packed with sugar syrup and vanilla beans, cook in boiling water for ten minutes
6 x ca. 30 gice cream vanilla
16 Pieces orange wedges in own juice, cooked w/grenadine syrup
4 EsslöffelOrange zest
2 TeelöffelPistachio chopped
Mint leaves
Pieces cherries, cut into half and remove stems
6 Esslöffelorange juice
die Zubereitung:

Remove stones from the poached peaches. Arrange the orange wedges and cherries on a plate in a circle following the edge of the plate. Place a peach in the middle of the orange wedges and put the ice cream on top of each peach.

Sprinkle with orange zest over the oranges.

Pour orange juice over oranges.

Decorate with mint leaves.

Sprinkle chopped pistachio nuts on top of the ice cream. Serves: 2 Typed in MMformat by cjhartlin@msn. Com

Tadashi Katoh, Chef de Cuisine, Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles.

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