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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Vanilla Slice
Zutaten für 8 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
250 GrammPhiladelphia cheese
250 Grammbutter unsalted
1 Tassesugar
Envelope gelatine
1 TasseVery hot water
Dessert spoon vanilla essence
2 PackungLattice bisquits (see note)
die Zubereitung:

only slightly sweet: from the 'glazed' pattern side, I think. They come in packets of twenty. I believe you will be able to substitute other, similar, bisquits if the Lattice ones are not available at your end.)

Cream together the butter and Philadelphia cheese, add the gelatine which has been dissolved in the hot water. Add the sugar and the vanilla essence. I have then used my 'liquidizer' to get this mix real well 'creamed' and smooth.

Cover a flat oven-tray with Al-foil. Take the bisquits from one of the packets and place with the 'patterned' side down.

Then pour the mix over the bisquits, and spread it. It will be very 'runny' but try to cover the bisquits without the mix running beyond them. The mix will firm up considerably when cooling; also, it will 'cure' so that the sugar grains, which is easily disernible in the fresh mix, seem to disappear.

Then place the bisquits from the other packet on top of the mix, with the 'patterned' side up. Make certain that the top bisquit positions correspond fairly accurately with the bottom ones; if not, the slices will be a mess when you cut them.

Put the tray in the frige. When cooled, cut into individual slices.

I would never have contemplated making any kind of cake with this sort of ingredients. I judged the calories to be too many. And I mis-judged the taste to be too rich and nauseating. It was not; the stuff was angel-food.

The reason I made these slices was simple: I was given the recipe After I had been offered the slices. By then I had eaten one. And was hooked. Reidar Frydenlund, Brisbane Australia

From the 'REcipeinternet: Recipes from Around the World' recipe list.

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