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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Vegetarian Roast
Zutaten für 6 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
8 1/2 x ca. 30 gLong grain rice
7 x ca. 30 gButton mushrooms, finely chopped
5 x ca. 30 gWhole grain bread crumbs
5 x ca. 30 gNuts (any kind such as almonds, brazil nuts or unsalted peanuts), chopped
5 x ca. 30 gLow fat mozzarella cheese
4 mittelCarrots grated
3 mittelonions chopped
1/4 TasseSunflower or safflower oil
1/4 Tasseparsley dried
1/2 Teelöffelblack pepper ground
1/4 Teelöffelgarlic powdered
die Zubereitung:

** Procedure **

1) Cook the rice in boiling water for 30 to 35 minutes, until tender, or use an automatic rice cooker. 250g of rice is about 2 small automatic rice cooker cups, but please check your rice cooker to be sure. When using an automatic rice cooker, add a little more water for brown rice than you would for white. Ie. If you cook 2 small rice cooker cups of brown rice, then fill the rice cooker pot to the 3 level with water.

2) Thoroughly blend everything in a large bowl or pot. Then pack the mixture into 2 medium sized (1.4 l or 1.4 quarts) loaf tins, which have been lightly oiled.

3) Bake at 350F (180 °C) for 1 to 1 1/4 hours or until firm to touch and brown on top. Vegetarian Roast is traditionally served, hot or cold, with tomato sauce or chutney.

Fry the onions, carrots, and mushrooms, in the oil until softened, before adding them to the entire mixture in step #2. Serve with a legume soup, such as pea soup or lentil stew. Replace the eggs with a commercial egg substitute. Replace the mushrooms with green, red, or yellow peppers. Replace the mozzarella with cheddar cheese (the older the stronger the flavour). Replace the mushrooms with green, red, or yellow peppers.

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