Grate one of the onions and combine with meat in a bowl. Season with 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Mix and shape into chestnut-size meatballs. Set aside. Chop remaining onion and brown it in 1/3 cup oil in a large pot. Add 1-1/2 teaspoons salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper and turmeric. Pour in 10 cups water and add the chick-peas and lentils. Cover and simmer for 35 minutes over medium heat. Add rice and meatballs and simmer 25 minutes more. Add chopped herbs, spinach and turnips and cook another 50 minutes, stirring occasionally. Check to see if peas and meatballs are done and adjust seasoning. Cook a bit longer if necessary. Add yogurt, stirring constantly for 5 minutes to prevent curdling.
Just before serving, reheat soup and prepare *Garnish* by browning 3 cloves (minced) in remaining oil. Remove from heat and add 1 teaspoon dried mint flakes. Serve the soup with garnish on top.
From the 'REcipeinternet: Recipes from Around the World' recipe list.