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MealMaster - Ansicht

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1 | Ripe mango |
This method of cutting a mango is called "hedgehog" because it produces diamond-shaped spikes of mango that stick out like the spines of a hedgehog.
Slice the top and bottom off the fruit, getting as close to the flat seed as possible. Using a sharp knife, cut a cross-hatch or tick-tack-toe pattern in the flesh, to, but not through, the skin. Holding the edges in your hands, press the skin with your thumbs to turn the slice inside out. Bite-sized chunks of fruit will extend from the skin, ready to be scooped up with a spoon. Don't forget to trim any remaining flesh off the seed with a paring knife.
76 calories per serving; .8 g protein; .5 g fat; 19 g carbohydrate; 8 mg sodium; 0 mg cholesterol.
Recipes from High-Flavor, Low-Fat Cooking by Steven Raichlen (Abbeville
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