Wheat producer and Kwc Spokesperson Lois Keller, Ellis, prepares this good salad.
1. To cook wheat berries (kernels): Place clean wheat berries and water in small saucepan. Cover, let stand overnight.
2. Stir sugar and cinnamon into wheat berries. Cover, simmer, stirring occasion-ally, 45-50 minutes or until berries are tender; drain.
Or: Bring berries, water, sugar and cinnamon to a boil. Cover, reduce heat and simmer 60-90 minutes, stirring occasionally, until berries are tender; drain. In serving bowl, stir together mayonnaise, yogurt and vanilla. Add celery and wheat. Cover and chill until ready to serve.
3. Stir in apples, grapes and walnuts just before serving. Makes 5 cups.
Nutritional Analysis: One 1/2-cup serving provides 45 calories, 1 g protein, 9 g carbohydrates, 1 g fat, 1 mg cholesterol, 1 g dietary fiber, 29 mg calcium, 96 mg potassium and 30 mg sodium. 20% cff
*Wheat berries (kernels) may be obtained by contacting the American White Wheat Producers Association, P.O. Box 326, Atchison, Ks 66002. Phone: 1-800-372-4422. Also look for wheat berries in large grocery, bulk and health food stores.
Wheat Commission, 2630 Claflin Road, Manhattan, Kansas 66502. Website at