* finely ground
These cookies require precision timing and fast action but the results are worth the trouble. I make them for holidays and special occasions, but they are delicious anytime.
Preheat oven to 350ø. Butter and flour baking sheet.
In a small, heavy pan, place all ingredients. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until butter melts. Drop by teaspoonful: onto baking sheet (do not bake more than six at one time).
Bake at 350 ° for 7-9 minutes. Cookies should be only slightly brown and still bubbling at the center. Let cool only for a minute or so until the edge is firm enough to lift with a thin spatula Then, working quickly, lift cookies and turn them top side down onto paper towels. Roll over the handle of a wooden spoon to get a cylinder shape and let cool until crisp.
Use a fresh cookie sheet for each baking to avoid cookies sticking on sheet. If cookies get too firm to roll over the spoon handle, place back in the oven for a few moments.
Store cookies in an airtight cookie jar or tin. They will keep for a long time, and can be made well ahead of the holiday season.
do that; however, they don't have the flair of the rolled lacy effect. Or roll ends of cooled cookies in melted chocolate.
Randy Shearer