If I remember the recipe, it's basically sugar, milk, and cocoa powder. Stir over low heat until everything dissolves, then allow to cook slowly with minimal heat until it reaches the soft-ball stage (when a bit is dropped in cold water, it makes a soft, slightly chewy, ball). Allow to cool a bit, then quickly add vanilla (or vanilla with some other complementary flavor; cherry works well), and beat rapidly and quickly turn onto a buttered plate. Warning: it gets stiff *Fast* when you add the vanilla and beat. Once it starts to thicken up, get it out of the pan as quickly as possible. Allow to cool, cut into small pieces, and distribute to friends before you get sick of it.
Oh yes, do this on a bright, sunny, high-pressure low-humidity day only. Otherwise it will crystallize wrong and come out grainy.
* From the Polka Dot Cottage, 1-201-822-3627, Nj's Bbs for Homemakers!