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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Indonesian Soy Sauce
Zutaten für 1  Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
Bottles Regular Soy Sauce*
Bottles Water
4 mittelonions chopped
bay leaves
2 TeelöffelLaos**
1/2 Bag Demerara Sugar
die Zubereitung:

*I use 17 oz. Bottles of China Lily (a Canadian Brand) **Laos is also called Gallingal and can be found at Asian food/spice stores.

Here's the recipe for Indonesian Soy Sauce, which I Think is called Kecap Manis. And even if it's not you might find some use for it... ;-}

Put all the ingredients in a large pot and cook on medium till onions are limp. Add sugar and bring to a boil to dissolve sugar. Strain and pour into bottles. I keep it in the fridge but I don't know if you have to.

It's a very sweet Soy Sauce that may take a little getting used to but you will probably find that you can use it for things and not worry about a "salty" taste.

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