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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Red Pepper Sauce
Zutaten für 1 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
peppers red
1/2 Bulb of garlic
 X Basil
die Zubereitung:

It was really very simple. I cut about 6 red peppers in strips and placed them on a cookie sheet. I placed about 1/2 bulb of garlic (don't peel the cloves) in some foil and put all of this in the oven on 425 for about a half hour. (The tips of the peppers were just starting to look charred, so I took them out.) I let them cool for a while then tossed peppers and garlic into the food processor with a little basil and zapped. (Be sure to peel the garlic before zapping.)

This mixture adds a lot of flavor to an ordinary tomato sauce or it can be used by itself. Yum!

TXFT40A@Prodigy. Com using Mmconv.

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