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MealMaster - Ansicht

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ACHTUNG: diese Ansicht ist noch experimentell, bei der Konvertierung in dieses Format können unter Umständen Textstellen verloren gegangen sein!
Tamales - Eric Freeman
Zutaten für 1 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
 Dried corn husks (I used La Victoria brand)
15oz can Hunts ready tomato sauce - Chunky Chili
Carrots; chopped finely
1/2 Tassecorn frozen
1/4 TasseSalsa (your favorite)
1 TeelöffelHot sauce (your favorite)
1 1/2 TasseMasa Harina (Masa corn flour Not corn meal!)
1/4 Esslöffelbaking powder
1/4 Tassecanola oil
 Approximately 1/2 cup water
die Zubereitung:

Soak corn husks for 3 hours in water. This recipe makes 6-8 tamales, so you will need about 1 "cluster" of corn husks. Combine the chunky chili, carrots, corn, salsa and hot sauce in a pan. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

In the mean time, combine Masa and baking powder in a large bowl; mix well. Add the oil, and mix with your fingers or a spatula. Then slowly add water until the mixture forms a dough. To test the dough, roll some into a small ball. The dough should hold together and not crumble. Remove the corn husks from the soaking water and dry off. For each tamale, line a corn husk with a thin layer of the dough. Place 1-2 tablespoons of sauce on the dough and roll the husk to seal the edges of the tamale. Fold the husk over the tamale, fold the ends up and use a small strip of husk to tie around each end.

Steam the tamales for 45 mins - 1 hour. While the tamales are cooking, continue to simmer the remaining sauce. Serve hot with some of the remaining sauce on top.

(by Eric Freeman)

Busted and Entered for you by: Bill Webster

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