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Warm Crab Dip
Zutaten für 1 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
Jar Kraft Old English Cheddar Cheese
8 x ca. 30 gcream cheese
1/4 Tassemilk
1 DoseCrabmeat; (the tunafish-sized can; not too big and not too small)
 Several pinches cayenne pepper
 Several dollops Worcestchire Sauce; (or however it's spelled!)
die Zubereitung:

Whenever I make this for a party, the bowl's scraped so clean I hardly need to wash it - and my husband ate an entire recipe's worth when I made it for Valentine's Day. (Yes, he's still stick-thin... sigh!)

The recipe comes from my (step)mother, Darcy, who's made it since her college days.

Melt together the Kraft Old English Cheddar Cheese and the cream cheese over medium heat. (If it's too hot, your pan will get a crust that's awful to clean later; it doesn't affect the flavor, though!) Add the milk and crabmeat (checking the crabmeat as you add it to ensure that no shell bits get in!), stirring to mix. Add cayenne and Worcestchire sauce to taste; we usually add at least 1 tsp. Cayenne, though we like things spicy, and about a tablespoon of the Worcestchire.

Serve with cut-up french or sourdough bread, and napkins to clean the inevitable drips... :)

Kraft's Old English Cheese is sold in jars, usually found in the snack aisle next to all the other fastuerized procesed cheese spreads. I don't know the size, though it's not too big - maybe 8 oz or so? There's only ever been one size...

We've made this with nonfat cream cheese and skim milk; it's completely fine that way and you feel slightly less guilty eating it then.

The dip thickens as it sits, either on the stove or otherwise; if you're going to eat it immediately, you may want to leave out the milk, and if you're reheating it later you may need to add more. You can definitely make the dip in advance and then heat it later; just make sure it is warm when you're eating it.

We've never managed to mess it up - too much milk, just let it sit a little while. Too much cayenne, eat less dip with more bread. Too little flavor, just add more Worcestchire. It's eminently fixable, and every time just a little different.

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