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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Bulgur and Lentil Pilaf
Zutaten für 4  Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
1 TasseLentils
4 TasseVegetable broth or water
Bay leaf
3 EsslöffelMargarine
1 grossOnion, chopped
 Salt & pepper
1 TasseCoarsely ground bulgur
die Zubereitung:

Rinse the lentils & put in a pot with enough broth to cover. Add bay leaf, bring to a boil & keep covered. Turn off heat & let stand for 30 minutes.

While the lentils are soaking, melt margarine in a heavy pot. Add chopped onion, salt & pepper. Saute till onions are tender & transparent.

When onions are ready, keep heat at medium, stir in bulgur & continue stirring till all the margarine is absorbed. Lower heat to a simmer & add the rest of the broth & lentils in their broth. Bring to a boil, reduce heat again, cover tightly & simmer till all the liquid has been absorbed. Add more liquid till the bulgur & lentils are cooked. Remove bay leaf & serve with a vegetable stew.

Vera Gewanter, "A Passion for Vegetables"

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