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MealMaster - Ansicht

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ACHTUNG: diese Ansicht ist noch experimentell, bei der Konvertierung in dieses Format können unter Umständen Textstellen verloren gegangen sein!
Butterfinger Cashew Crunch Ice Cream
Zutaten für 1  Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
2 TasseWhipping Cream heavy
2 TasseMilk (I used the 1% stuff that was on sale)
2 Esslöffelwater cold
Rennet tablets
1 Tassesugar
4 Teelöffelvanilla extract
1/2 TasseCashew nuts (broken ones are fine)
Trick-or-treat size Butterfinger candy bars
3/4 TasseFrench Toast Crunch breakfast cereal
die Zubereitung:

Dissolve rennet tablets in water (swirl the bowl until dissolved), set aside. Combine cream, milk, sugar, and vanilla in saucepan and heat stirring constantly to 110 degrees. Pour into the ice cream freezer machine, then add the rennet tablet solution and operate the churn for five or ten seconds to mix well. Turn off the churn and let that cool for a while.

Take the butterfinger bars (still in their wrappers) and bludgeon them with the flat handle of a knife (I used a heavy-handled bread knife) to crush the contents well. Open the wrappers and dump/scrape the crushed contents into your food processor (with metal blade). Add the cashews and the breakfast cereal, and pulse the food processor until the dry ingredients are just broken up and well mixed.

By now the custard should be set and cooled off somewhat. Turn on the ice cream maker's refrigeration switch and, after a few minutes, the churn. When the ice cream mixture is just starting to freeze, pour in the crushed dry ingredients and continue to freeze to the desired consistency. This will vary depending on your freezer, but for me it takes about 25-35 minutes.

This is a really scrumptious combination, and could be varied by changing the flavoring ingredients with other stuff you have around.

Original recipe by: Gordon Peterson, gep2@computek. Net

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