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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Deep-Fried Potatoes and Carrots
Zutaten für 4 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
Dried black mushrooms
1 x ca. 450 gPotatoes
 Oil for deep-frying
2 Esslöffeloil
1/2 Teelöffelsalt
1 Esslöffelsherry
1/2 Tassebroth
1 Teelöffelcornstarch
1/2 Teelöffelsugar
1 Teelöffelsoy sauce
1 Esslöffelwater
die Zubereitung:

1. Soak dried mushrooms.

2. Dice carrots and parboil. Dice soaked mushrooms. Peel and slice potatoes as for french-fries; then parboil and drain well. Dredge potatoes lightly in cornstarch.

3. Heat oil and deep-fry potato strips until golden. Drain on paper toweling.

4. Heat remaining oil. Add salt, then carrots and mushrooms; stir-fry to coat with oil.

5. Add sherry and stock and heat quickly. Then cook, covered, 2 to 3 minutes over medium heat.

6. Meanwhile, blend remaining cornstarch to a paste with sugar, soy sauce and water. Then stir in to thicken. Add deep-fried potatoes; stir in only to reheat. Serve at once. Variation: After step 5, for color, add 1 tablespoon green peas, parboiled.

From <The Thousand Recipe Chinese Cookbook>, Isbn 0-517-65870-4. Downloaded from Glen's Mm Recipe Archive, http://www. Erols. Com/hosey.

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