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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Favorite Pancakes
Zutaten für 4 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
1 Tassewhole wheat flour
1 1/2 Teelöffelbaking powder
3/4 TasseSoy milk -- diluted with
1/2 Tassewater
1 1/4 TasseApplesauce -- unsweetened
1/2 Teelöffelvanilla extract
1 TeelöffelEgg substitute, dried
2 EsslöffelWater -- beaten till frothy
die Zubereitung:

unsweetened applesauce spread over them and sprinkled with cinnamon. Or try pure maple syrup or no-sugar pure-fruit jam.

Mix the flour and baking powder together. Mix the wet ingredients together, including the Egg Replacer mixture. Combine the wet and dry ingredients and beat until well blended. Pour the batter onto a hot nonstick griddle. When bubbles form on top and the edges are beginning to dry out, turn to bake the other side.

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