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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Gefilte Fish #2
Zutaten für 12 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
3 x ca. 450 gYellow pike; white fish
1 grossOnion; chopped with the fish
Eggs (raw)
1/2 Tassesugar
 Fish heads and bones
carrots sliced
(up to)
onions sliced
die Zubereitung:

from Felice Weingarten(supposedly recipe of Freda Palmer)

1. Fish fillets should be ground with onion at fish store. It is then chopped with ice cold water with the eggs, carrots, sliced onion, sugar, salt, pepper.

2. Cook fish heads and bones (with additional carrots and onions?) in large heavy pot for about 20-30 minutes covered with water.

3. Make fish balls (using cold water on hands) and gently place in fish stock. Cook 2 1/2 - 3 hours on very low flame - must boil.

4. Cool. Chill. Serve with cooked carrots slices, parsley, jelled fish broth and horse radish.

sweet and with lots of pepper. Adding sugar to the fish stock wont hurt. If you want sweet fish just add more sugar. One critical point is that when placing the fish balls into the stock one should let each layer cook for a bit before adding the next layer. This prevents the fish balls from sticking together in a glutinous mass. The purpose of the cold water on the hands is to make sure that the fish balls are not too dense. The fish balls should not have the consistency of meatballs. In fact, you will probably wonder the first time you try this just how the fish stays together. The cold water also keeps the fish from sticking to your hands. One variation has finely chopped almonds mixed in with the fish. Not bad. The fish usually tastes better the second day.

From the 'REcipeinternet: Recipes from Around the World' recipe list.

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